
Mauri Massage Warsaw Center

Ma-uri massage (earth energy) comes from Polynesian healing systems. It was developed by Hemi and Katia Fox in 1990 and has been propagated in Europe ever since. In Poland, it is performed mainly in large urban centers, including Warsaw. The Ma-uri massage is an extremely pleasant massage of the whole body, which effectively relaxes, relaxes and removes numerous pain ailments from the skeletal system (muscles, joints, spine). For this reason, it is recommended for pregnant women. However, it is worth knowing that its action does not only focus on relaxing the body. The massage also has a strong energetic effect, which is additionally enhanced by carefully selected sounds of music. They restore the natural flow of vital energy in the body of the massaged person.

The importance of Ma-uri massage for body and soul

I focus on starting the self-healing process for my clients. Massage initiates them at all levels of existence:

  • physical,
  • emotional,
  • mental,
  • spiritual.

By moving the lymph, it helps to cleanse the body of deposits and toxins, provides deep physical and mental relaxation, and soothes persistent ailments of the circulatory system, as well as the respiratory, nervous and muscular systems. It removes energy and emotional blockages as well as tensions caused by stress. It restores psychophysical harmony, joy of life and willingness to act. The massage is accompanied by deep sensations that allow you to see your body and your awareness more fully. Thanks to them, you can more easily reach your inner self and rediscover yourself and love your body.